Saturday, November 30, 2019

Jimmy - Racism Essays - Discrimination, Hatred, Racism,

Jimmy - Racism The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down on the crisp green school yard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing could have ruined it. Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day decided to go to the corner store and buy himself a little treat. As little Jimmy started walking over to the store, clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pitch dark meant no trouble. On the other side of the road were three white boys from Jimmy's same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran over the street to where he was. Hey Negro, what's up?, one of the white Boy said. Did your mamma pack you enough to eat to-day?, another hooted. Just leave me alone., Little Jimmy said Oh no, Jimmy's really getting pist off!?, the first boy retaliated. Just shove off and let me be, Jimmy answered. It is like this everyday, everywhere, and everytime, people suffer discrimination. All because they have differences amongst each other. Different beliefs, different cultures, different skin colour, all of these act like building blocks to help construct what we know as Racism. Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist, but this the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that it could be a reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting. Is that all there is to it? No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just like warfare in which there is no shelter and nobody is neutral. Nobody is exempt from this demon. He has haunted us with a bitter curse. On one occasion I remember, nobody would play with me at school. I would walk around by myself and ask people if we could play together. Everywhere that I went, like the process of induction, everyone would avoid me. Like two inducted poles with the same polarity, they would just shimmer off into the distance and continue to do whatever they're doing. Because of racial differences, they neglect me. People are afraid of the unknown, and it is this difference amongst people that spread rumors and distrust amongst people. Corrupting our thoughts and reasons, we get accustomed to thinking differences are omens. Amongst smaller kids, there is no difficulty in getting them to all play together. There thoughts are not totally corrupted as others. Probably the demon has no time to bother with smaller children. As children start to grow up, their knowledge of the world increases in astronomical figures. They start to mature and realize the barbarous aspects of life. When this knowledge reaches to a certain point, the demon like racism comes after them. The child begins to understand the term racism and is encouraged to use it in part of there everyday speech. Then when one walks around the school ground, you wouldn't see children from different ethnic groups playing together. They have become insoluble to each other and will never then mix again. Interaction between each other thus terminates. Nobody benefits from this kind of behavior except for the demon that haunts us. Racism, like the demonic figure it has imposed on us is the reason for distrust, disloyal, and discrimination amongst each and every one of us.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Writing the Analysis Paper

Writing the Analysis Paper Writing the Analysis Paper Writing the Analysis Paper: Universal Approach Those people who get excellent grades for their analysis papers know the mechanism of writing them, and those, who get low grades, face a what-to-start-with problem and many others. The main problems and solutions to them are discussed in the article. First of all, start with answering the following two questions:Whom are you writing for? What is the purpose of you analysis paper? The answer to the first question will help you to define the language of the analysis paper (formal or informal). After answering both questions you will clarify what type of the analysis paper (an article, a report or a term paper) is adequate for you purpose. Every type of the analysis paper determines its format. And when you answer the second question it will become clear to you what research methods should be applied. Now after you have made up your mind about what language, type of the analysis paper, format and methods of research to use, you have to write the analysis paper itself. Three Tips On How To Write A Flawless Analysis PaperBuilt a logic tree. A typical logic tree consists of the main block with the name of the topic (or a problem) inside and complementary blocks with chapters and paragraphs linked to the main one. Such tree helps to make the structure of your analysis paper evident and diagnose mistakes in logic if any. Concretize the topic. Strange as it may appear, but the analysis paper topics should be concretized after the analysis paper is written. Your topic has to contain the purpose of the analysis paper or a problem that is solved in it and restrictions. Restrictions can be qualitative, quantitative and temporal. For instance, the topic How the profits of LMZ Ltd. will change with the introduction of energy-efficient technologies in 2011 contains all abovementioned restrictions. Take your time. After you have written the analysis paper, put it aside for few days. After wait-and-see approach return back to your analysis paper for revision. This method will help you to take a fresh look on what you wrote and correct mistakes.We Offer Professional Help with Analysis Paper Writing Writing the analysis paper is a skill that can be gained with practice. But with the help of recommendations in this article you will simplify your work on the analysis paper, correct and prevent egregious mistakes and after a while become a master of the analysis papers.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Aggressive and threatening language

Aggressive and threatening language Essay Pip and Magwitch are the most mysterious and strange quasi family in the novel. They are connected but without either knowing for the most part. Its coincidental that the father of the woman loved by Pip is his benefactor, however a benefactor without knowing his own daughter.  The two first meet in the Marshes. Magwitch, a convict demands a file and some wittles (food) at the cost of the boys life. Here, Dickens brings the scene to life with his use of aggressive and threatening language. Pip brings Magwitch what he has asked and hopes never to be associated with such a man again. In Chapter 39 his fears are answered.  A guest visits Pip, a snobbish almost gentleman Pip.  Pip is shocked and horrified as Magwitch gradually discloses he is his benefactor, that Jaggers is his agent. Magwitch has risked being hanged just to return to England (After serving time in Australia) to see his creation his gentleman. Pip finds him repulsive but shelters him and gives him Herberts bed. In discovering Magwitch is his benefactor, Pip is faced with his own vanity and gullibility. His life has been guided by fantasy. Dickens uses some cold language during this chapter to show Pips annoyance and grief that Magwitch unintentionally has caused. When I awoke without having parted in my sleep with the perception of my wretchedness, the clocks of the Eastward churches were striking five, the candles were wasted out, the fire was dead, and the wind and rain intensified the thick black darkness. Pip.  Magwitch, on the contrary is happy about his (mirroring Mrs. Havisham and Estella) creation.   , lookee here, dear boy, he said dropping his voice and laying a long finger on my breast in an impressive manner.  By Chapter 42 the relationship of the two has increased somewhat. Pip manages to get Magwitch to tell him and Herbert his life story, and about Compeyson. Although Magwitch reluctantly tells the two friends the story, telling Pip so much, indicates he may have begun to truly trust Pip. By this chapter, Pip is maturing; he is only now becoming a real gentleman. Magwitch may have spotted this, and this could be the only reason why Magwitch told Pip so much.  However, it is only by Chapter 46 that they become more open towards each other. In this chapter, Herbert and Pip decide to use a boat to get Magwitch out of the country. The use of language is friendlier between Pip and Magwitch.  Dear Boy he answered, clasped my hands, I dont know when we may meet again, and I dont like Good-Bye, say Good-Night! Good Night!  The use of exclamation marks is more frequent and the actual dialogue is friendlier.  Chapter 54 is the almost escaped chapter. Magwitch gets captured and the reader now sees there is genuine care for Magwitch from Pip, as he promises never to leave his side. During the journey, Magwitch is strangely passive. This may imply that he is going to miss Pip, and he trusts Pip.  Pips failure to export Magwitch out of country makes him pity Magwitch. During Chapter 56, we notice their relationship at its strongest. Magwitch is sentenced to death for his crimes, but dies naturally before. Pip is at his bedside. Pips and Magwitchs language is solemn, as if with a lump in their throat. They have become good friends. Pips final words Youre daughter is beautiful and I love her is a sweet end to an otherwise bitter life, and more fulfilling than having created a gentleman.  The language and emotions shared between them is one as if theyre father and son, which links with Magwitch said back in Chapter 39 READ: Death Of A Salesman EssayLookee here, Pip. Im your second father. Youre my son more to me nor any son. Magwitch, pg.313 Bottom.  The devotion between Pip and Magwitch shows there is a genuine love between them.  O Lord, be merciful to him, a sinner!  Magwitchs created gentleman has now really become a gentleman.  The grouping of Pip and Magwitch is the only one that actually works as a whole. The grouping/quasi family features qualities that keep the grouping together and functional. The members of group rely and can trust each other, they pity each other and they love each other. As a whole none of the other quasi families feature these qualities and so, can be called dysfunctional.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business analysis of an artist's career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business analysis of an artist's career - Essay Example The Eagles Band has remained active in Music Business for the periods of 1971-1980 and from 1994 to present. They have worked under the Labels of Asylum, Geffen Records, Lost Highway, Universal and collaborated on business ventures with Poco, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Dillard & Clark, James Gang.The band consists of Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit.Some of the Band’s former member’s include Don Felder, Randy Meisner and Bernie Leadon. The American Rock Band is a very successful business venture in terms of strategy and revenues and originates from in California.The Band currently boasts of five Number 1 singles and four Number 1 albums.The band gained immense popularity in the 1970s and its album was rated number 37 on the Rolling Stone list "The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time".The business success of the band also reflects the fact that the band was ranked number 75 on Rolling Stone's 2004 list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. The Alb um â€Å"Their Greatest Hits 1971–1975† has been their most profitable business venture to date.Since its break up in the eighties, the band does not make any new albums but tours together often. However this year in 2007 they have released their first album in three decades called the Long Road out of Eden and it is currently on of UK’s top 40 Albums.The first album, Eagles, was one of the Top 40 singles of its era. Rolling Stone magazine's 2003 list of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" ranked Eagles at number 374.... History of business ventures: Success and Failure. The first album, Eagles, was one of the Top 40 singles of its era.. Rolling Stone magazine's 2003 list of the "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" ranked Eagles at number 374.The next album , Desperado, an experimental venture in conceptual song writing did not match the success of their former work and the Album only did business in the U.S pop charts ,with only two major hits.The third venture ,On the Border involved Henley and Frey's wish to employ a new business strategy and move towards hard rock. They had a change of producers from Glyn Johns to Bill Szymczyk for this purpose.The venture proved successful and this Album yielded a lot of profits with the Eagles' becoming the first of five chart toppers. The next album (One of These Nights) was a further experiment in hard rock and the business collaboration between Henley/Frey as lyricists was getting stronger as the album received a hit No. 1 on the Billboard chart in 1975.2However this new business strategy ultimately cost the band its unity as the hiring of Don Felder meant that Leadon's role was being underplayed.In 1976 with the release of "Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)"(29 million copies sold),the band prepared for yet another phenomenal success with " Hotel California", which was also an instant hit on the Billboard in 1977.The single " Hotel California" was a major source of profits and royalties for the band in the years to come as since its release it has appeared on several lists of the best albums of all time.This album remains to date their best-selling studio album, with over 16 million copies sold within America..3 The late 70's saw the disintegration of this phenomenal band

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Illustration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Illustration - Essay Example This butterfly emerged more quickly, but seemed somehow unwell. After watching for some time, the boy realized that the newly emerged butterfly was in fact dead. Years later at university he learned that a butterfly’s struggle is a necessary part of its lifecycle. Without the opposition of the chrysalis, important biological changes can not take place and the butterfly will not be able to unfurl its wings once freed. I agree with Helen Keller’s quote. My personal experiences have taught me that true character and strength develop most deeply when an individual is encountering opposition. For me personally, I can’t say that all of my character has been developed in the crucible of affliction. I believe that the first lessons in character I learned were learned through watching the examples of adults that surrounded me and being taught explicitly how to become a person of integrity. In some ways, I would liken this to the butterfly before it struggles to even emerge. I can still remember witnessing significant adults in my life displaying good character by returning money to a cashier that had been given to them by mistake, making good on promised gifts or rewards and apologizing to others when they were found to be in the wrong. I was not an active participant in these displays of good character, but I was witness to them. In this way I feel they prepared me to stand up by displaying good character when it was my turn to be tempted to take the easy way out. Looking back a few years, I can see how difficult it is to have good character when in the throes of puberty and adolescence. I can recall such a drive to find the easiest way out of everything when I was in 7th or 8th grade. I found it so easy to lie about an assignment or to tell a half truth to my parents to avoid a punishment. It seemed to me that the whole world was a thousand shades of grey and that right and wrong didn’t really matter. What mattered was avoiding negative

Saturday, November 16, 2019

1984 First Five Chapters Summary Essay Example for Free

1984 First Five Chapters Summary Essay Readers are introduced to Winston Smith, his living situation which although called Victory Mansion is not lavish; it is a run-down apartment complex. Readers are also introduced to Big Brother, the government’s authority figure and figurehead for the Party. The telescreen always watches its Party Members, looking for traitors among them. Winston brings out a journal, out of view of the telescreen, because it is considered an act of rebellion against the Party. He writes about the films the Party makes, the dark-haired girl from work and O’Brien, someone he believes is against the Party. Winston believes the Thought Police will knock at his door, but it turns out to be Mrs. Parsons, his neighbor. Winston helps her with the Parsons’ plumbing and her children accuse him of thoughtcrime. Her children are upset that they couldn’t go see the public hanging. He goes back to his apartment and hides the journal. Winston then dreams of his mother and a sinking ship that he feels responsible for. He then dreams of a Utopia free from the Party where he is with the dark-haired girl from work. He wakes up to a whistle for the â€Å"Physical Jerks†, the Party’s regulated physical exercise. Winston is yelled at from the telescreen by the exercise manager. After the â€Å"Physical Jerks† Winston goes to work at the Ministry of Truth where he updates Big Brother’s orders and Party Records so what Big Brother says is always true. He makes up a story about a fictional person, Comrade Ogilvy, as a ideal Party Man who died. Winston then meets up with Syme, another Party member who revises the Newspeak dictionary. Syme talks about the aime of Newspeak is to erase words. Winston knows the Syme will be vaporized because he is too intelligent. Parsons, Winston’s neighbor, visits Winston to get their apartment’s dues. Parsons laughs about how his children treated Winston the previous day. The Ministry of Plenty announces an increase in production but Winston knows the increase is actually a lie. Winston believes he is being watched by the dark-haired girl, who he thinks is a Party agent. Chapter 1-5 Responses 1. I like Winston so far even though he seems very weak, which is just a result of the Party’s oppression. The Party seems to be everywhere, impacting everyone. 3. The movie, The Truman Show, is based off of the movie 1984 in the way that someone is controlling and watching over the protagonists lives. They have no privacy or choices. 6. I was very surprised that the exercise manager called out to Winston. Up until that point I believed the Party always watching was a scam to making people follow the Party. 7. I would like the next chapter to develop into Winston investigating the Party and trying to rebel more against them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Human’s Attempt to Overrule God: The Debate Over Euthanasia Essay

Life. Did you have the free will to decide when your life began? If man didn’t have the power to decide when life began, why does man want to exert the right to end it? Life is one of the most valuable things that humans possess. Humans are the most complex of all creatures. Plenty of time is spent debating over beginning and ending of life issues such as, euthanasia. Euthanasia is a defined as, a â€Å"gentle and easy death†, derived from the Greek language (Keown 10). A â€Å"gentle and easy death† indicates that death would not come naturally, but by treatment or medication. For death to come by treatment or medication was not God’s intention for the termination of human lives. To illustrate, the Bible says, â€Å"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.† (1 Cor. 6:19-20). The body is a temple and it is a gift from God. Human beings were bought with a price for a valuable purpose. The debate over euthanasia is a prevalent and pressing issue in today’s society, and possibly one of the most popular. Euthanasia is a topic that will separate a room of people by beliefs. About three years ago, 22 percent of the 18 members of the Humane Society board resigned over the controversial issue of euthanasia (Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate 2014). This is a debated issue in which many believe that a person should have the right to decide on how they feel (EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week 2014). Euthanasia is a heavily debated topic that is deeply divided because of personal conviction or religion. This is an ongoing moral and ethical worldwide debate, is the w... ...g Death; Assisted Suicide." The Economist 20 Oct. 2012: 18(US). Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. Ernst, Cheryl, and Maureen Mennie. "Palliative Preference." Maclean's 24 Mar. 2014: 6. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. "EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week." Gloucestershire Echo [Gloucestershire, England] 5 May 2014: 17. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 5 May 2014. "Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate." Crain's Detroit Business 10 Mar. 2014: 0001. General OneFile. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Keown, John. "1- 'Voluntary Euthanasia'" Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy: An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2002. 10. Print. Keown, John. "The Value of Human Life." Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy: An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2002. 39. Print. Human’s Attempt to Overrule God: The Debate Over Euthanasia Essay Life. Did you have the free will to decide when your life began? If man didn’t have the power to decide when life began, why does man want to exert the right to end it? Life is one of the most valuable things that humans possess. Humans are the most complex of all creatures. Plenty of time is spent debating over beginning and ending of life issues such as, euthanasia. Euthanasia is a defined as, a â€Å"gentle and easy death†, derived from the Greek language (Keown 10). A â€Å"gentle and easy death† indicates that death would not come naturally, but by treatment or medication. For death to come by treatment or medication was not God’s intention for the termination of human lives. To illustrate, the Bible says, â€Å"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.† (1 Cor. 6:19-20). The body is a temple and it is a gift from God. Human beings were bought with a price for a valuable purpose. The debate over euthanasia is a prevalent and pressing issue in today’s society, and possibly one of the most popular. Euthanasia is a topic that will separate a room of people by beliefs. About three years ago, 22 percent of the 18 members of the Humane Society board resigned over the controversial issue of euthanasia (Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate 2014). This is a debated issue in which many believe that a person should have the right to decide on how they feel (EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week 2014). Euthanasia is a heavily debated topic that is deeply divided because of personal conviction or religion. This is an ongoing moral and ethical worldwide debate, is the w... ...g Death; Assisted Suicide." The Economist 20 Oct. 2012: 18(US). Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2014. Ernst, Cheryl, and Maureen Mennie. "Palliative Preference." Maclean's 24 Mar. 2014: 6. Global Issues in Context. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. "EUTHANASIA Will Be Debated at an Event in Cheltenham This Week." Gloucestershire Echo [Gloucestershire, England] 5 May 2014: 17. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 5 May 2014. "Humane Society CEO Search Reignites Euthanasia Debate." Crain's Detroit Business 10 Mar. 2014: 0001. General OneFile. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. Keown, John. "1- 'Voluntary Euthanasia'" Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy: An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2002. 10. Print. Keown, John. "The Value of Human Life." Euthanasia, Ethics, and Public Policy: An Argument against Legalisation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2002. 39. Print.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Internal Conflict in Poe and Hawthorne

Critics of early American literature argue that, â€Å"the conflict present in early American Literature is internal,† and that it, â€Å"is often presented as having a cosmic scale,† with â€Å"characters [who] are often alienated and isolated† (class handout).   These internal conflicts take place in the protagonists’ minds and they drive the plot’s action by focusing on struggles about the very nature of life so that the characters pitted against them suffer from their problems on a personal level thereby rendering them utterly alone and separate from other characters. It is their loneliness in a time of mental anguish that creates the drama and suspense necessary for reflecting the interior action of the story that leads to a reader’s understanding of the character is split in arriving at a solution to the problem. Two authors that support this idea are Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allen Poe.   Both authors tend to focus on protagonists that are both figurative and literally split from society and suffering emotionally from internal struggles over choices and actions of their pasts.   Moreover, these two authors’ characters demonstrate conflicts that examine the consequences of past acts on the present and the grand schemes of their lives. Edgar Allen Poe’s story, â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† is one example of this type of internal conflict and its effects on the character, Roderick Usher.   This story uses the gothic elements of the dark, depressing setting to communicate the isolation of first Roderick and Madeline Usher and then the story’s protagonist and narrator whose mental capacities weaken within the diseased setting of the Usher household.   The narrator seeks to help his friend, Roderick Usher overcome some mysterious malady described as, â€Å"some oppressive secret, to divulge which he struggled for the necessary courage†Ã‚   (cite here). Clearly, Poe creates the idea of Usher’s desire to overcome an internal conflict of cosmic proportions, but by the end of the story it is the narrator who has become isolated in a struggle to overcome an internal conflict created in the dark, empty hours of his time spent in the alienated and spiritless world of the Usher’s once grand house.   The conflict that never fully materializes culminates in the narrator’s discovery of the evil working of Roderick Usher upon his â€Å"sick† sister, Madeline and his complicity in burying her alive and the witnessing of Roderick’s well-planned death alongside his sister in her tomb. His conscience then splits like the Usher house and choosing good over evil, the narrator resolves his conflict when he, â€Å"fled aghast† from the house as it shook and crumbled to the ground.   His survival and surmounting of the internal struggle he helped to create as he sought ways to help his sick friend is shown through his retelling of the story from a present perspective that recognized the horror and emotional torture of his the conflict that moved forward the story’s action. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story, Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment† presents another example of a character who suffers from an internal conflict of cosmic proportions that leads to his isolation from the rest of society.   Dr. Heidegger possesses an elixir that when consumed reverses aging and renders people young again.   He tempts others with its seductive promises of eternal youth but he does not desire that state for himself; he is content to live reflect the decay of his study, â€Å"a dim, old fashioned chamber, festooned with cobwebs, and besprinkled with antique dust†Ã‚   (Hawthorne). Dr, Heidegger’s interest in the potion is only its ability to breathe life into a faded, fifty-year-old rose given to him by his love that has long since died.   His guests are only a part of his experiment to create a potion strong enough to give everlasting life to his rose so that it may accompany him to death, â€Å"’My poor Sylvia’s rose!’ ejaculated Dr. Heidegger, holding it in the light of the sunset clouds† (Hawthorne). Upon the realization of his failure and his miserable, lonely struggle to bring back the past and the love it bore, he resolves his internal misery with the realization that the rose is no less beautiful dead than alive.   He states, â€Å"I love it as well thus† at the moment he concludes that it is really Sylvia that he loved and the rose, in its withered state was nothing more than a symbol of that love. Both Poe and Hawthorne are known for creating story’s with characters who suffer internal conflicts against dark, depressing setting that support deeply disturbing atmospheres and moods.   Moreover, their characters grapple with issues that seek to answer questions that have no solutions available to man.   They only resolve their internal struggles when they recognize the futility of their struggles. The narrator in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher† and Dr. Heidegger in â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment† reflect critics ideas about early American literature’s treatment of conflict and its impact upon individuals who find themselves utterly alone and alienated through the choices they made.   The horror of this realization leads them to ultimately resolve and overcome the misery they are responsible for cultivating.      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Business Aspects in Banking and Insuarance

Present Scenario of insurance in business The liberalization, privatization and globalization policies of the nation along with the revolution in the field of Information Technology and communication have been advantageous for the insurance sector in India. ? Entry of private players and foreign collaborations: It was on the recommendation of the Malhotra Committee that private players were allowed to enter into the insurance market. Today there are almost 22 players who have entered the Indian insurance market besides the giant Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).Another major development that has taken in the field of general insurance is the de-linking of the 4 subsidiaries of the General Insurance Corporation of India (viz. Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. , New India Assurance Company Ltd. , National Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance Company Ltd) from the parent company. ? Marketing strategies and approaches: The entry of private players and their foreign pa rtners has given domestic players a tough time, because the opening up of the sector has not brought in only foreign players, but also professional techniques and technologies.The present scene in India is such that everyone is trying to put in the best efforts. One can see strategies being more for survival than growth. But the most important gift of privatization is the introduction of customer-oriented services. Utmost care is being taken to maximize customer satisfaction. Insurance Sector Today: Opportunities and Challenges Opportunities As compared to the Western countries, where they have already reached a stage of saturation, India can exploit some golden opportunities in the following fields. 1. Mass MarketingIndia is a highly populated country and would continue to be so in the near future. New players may tend to favour the â€Å"creamy† layer of the urban population. But, in doing so, they may well miss a large chunk of the insurable population. A strong case in po int is the current business composition of the dominant market leader – the Life Insurance Corporation of India. The lion's share of its new business comes from the rural and semi-rural markets. In a country of 1 billion people, mass marketing is always a profitable and cost-effective option for gaining market share.The rural sector is a perfect case for mass marketing. Competition in rural areas tends to be â€Å"kinder and gentler† than that in urban areas, which can easily be termed cutthroat. Identifying the right agents to harness the full potential of the vibrant and dynamic rural markets will be imperative. Rural insurance should be looked upon as an opportunity and not an obligation. A smaller bundle of innovative products in sync with rural needs and perceptions, and an efficient delivery system are the two aspects that have to be developed in order to penetrate the rural markets. 2. Job OpportunitiesJob opportunities are likely to increase manifold. The liber alization of the insurance sector promises several new job opportunities for those who are equipped with degrees in finance. Finance professionals who had witnessed a slump in the job market would be much relieved. There will be demand for marketing specialists, finance experts and human resource professionals. Apart from this, there will be high demand for professionals in streams like underwriting and claims management, and actuarial sciences. 3. Inflow of Funds There could be a huge inflow of funds into the country.Given the industry's huge requirement of start-up capital, the initial years after opening up are bound to see a strong inflow of foreign capital. A rise in the equity share of foreign partners to 49 percent will act as a boost to them. 4. Reinsurance Huge capacity is likely to be created in the area of reinsurance. Apart from pure reinsurance activities, which involves providing insurance protection, there will be a revolution in service-related fields like training, seminars, workshops, know-how transfer regarding risk assessment and rating, risk inspections, risk management and devising new policy overs, etc. 5. Marketing Strategies Also, with more players in the market, there will be significant increase in advertising, brand building, and this will benefit whole lot of ancillary industries. A substantial shift is likely to take place in the distribution of insurance in India. Many of these changes will echo international trends. Worldwide, insurance products move along a continuum from pure service products to pure commodity products. Initially, insurance is seen as a complex product with a high advice and service component.Buyers prefer a face-to-face interaction and place a high premium on brand names and reliability. As products become simpler and awareness increases, they become off-the-shelf, commodity products. Sellers move to remote channels such as the telephone or direct mail. Various intermediaries, not necessarily insurance compan ies, sell insurance. In some countries like Netherlands and Japan, insurance is marketed using the Post Office's distribution channels. At this point, buyers look for low price.Brand loyalty could shift from the insurer to the seller. 6. Bancassurance In other markets, notably Europe, this has resulted in bank assurance: banks entering the insurance business. The Netherlands led with financial services firms providing an entire range of products including bank accounts, motor, home and life insurance, and pensions. Other European markets have followed suit. In France, over half of all life insurance sales are made through banks. In the UK, almost 95% of banks and building societies are distributing insurance products today.In India too, banks hope to maximize expensive existing networks by selling a range of products. Many bankers have shown an inclination to enter the insurance market by leveraging their strengths in the areas of brand image, distribution network, face to face cont act with the clients and telemarketing coupled with advanced information technology systems. Insurers in India should also explore distribution through non-financial organizations. For example, insurance for consumer items such as refrigerators can be offered at the point of sale. 7. Information TechnologyWorldwide interest in E-commerce and India's predominant position in Information Technology and software development are also likely to be major factors in the marketing of insurance products in the immediate future. The number of Internet account is increasing and the trend has already been set by some of the leading insurers and insurance brokers worldwide. Challenges If one has opportunities, one has to face challenges; it is like two sides of the same coin. No doubt India has a lot of opportunities coming her way, but there are a few challenges and threats as well.The four main challenges facing the industry are product innovation, distribution, customer service, and investment s. Unit-linked personal insurance products might find greater acceptability with rising customer awareness about customized, personalized and flexible products. Flexible products and new technology will play a crucial role in reducing the cost and, therefore, the price of insurance products. Finding niche markets, having the right product mix through add-on benefits and riders, effective branding of products and services and product differentiation will be some of the challenges faced by new companies. . Technology In today's highly competitive financial services environment, effective organizations will employ technology in a strategic way so to achieve a competitive edge. Technology will play an increasing role in aiding design and administering of products, as well in efforts to build life-long customer relationships. At the same time, investment in technology will only help as long as firms find the right people: people with the right attitude, values, and ethics, commitment to excellence, and focus on customer service.The critical success factor is a top-down emphasis on exceeding customer expectations with quality people, excellent products, and legendary service. As has been seen in other financial services, the entry of private players ensures that the customer will be the beneficiary in the long run. It will also result in enlarging the market and extending the reach of insurance across the country. 2. Competition Thus, apart from the normal issues facing any new company, many new Indian private insurance players will need to cope with the challenges of working with a joint venture partner.They will be competing with large and well-entrenched government-owned players. They have to overcome regulatory hurdles, change the attitude of new recruits and satisfy some very high customer expectations. Also, the players will have to consider the Indian market as a long-term investment, and maintain clear-cut objectives and constant monitoring at all levels. Co nclusion ? Nationalized players will continue to hold strong market share positions: Over the past three years, around 40 companies have expressed interest in entering the sector and many foreign and Indian companies have arranged anticipatory alliances.The threat of new players taking over the market has been overplayed. As is witnessed in other countries where liberalization took place in recent years, we can safely conclude that nationalized players will continue to hold strong market share positions, but there will be enough business for entry to be profitable. ? Recognizing the potential market Opening up the sector will certainly mean new products, better packaging and improved customer service. Both new and existing players will have to explore new distribution and marketing channels.Potential buyers for most of this insurance lie in the middle class. New insurers must segment the market carefully to arrive at appropriate products and pricing. Recognizing the potential, in th e past three years, the nationalized insurers have already begun to target niches like pensions, women or children. ? Facing competition and challenges Competition will surely cause the market to grow beyond current rates, create a bigger â€Å"pie,† and offer additional consumer choices through the introduction of new products, services, and price options.Yet, at the same time, public and private sector companies will be working together to ensure healthy growth and development of the sector. Challenges such as developing a common industry code of conduct, contributing to a common catastrophe reserve fund, and chalking out agreements between insurers to settle claims to the benefit of the consumer will require concerted effort from both sectors. Objectives of Insurance: 1. Risk Sharing: insurance is mechanism adopted to share the losses that might occur to an individual or his family on the happening of a specified event.The event may be death of earning member of the family in case of life insurance, marine perils in marine insurance and other certain events in miscellaneous insurance. The loss arised from thee events if insured are shared by all the insured in the form of premium. Thus, risk is transferred from one individual to a group. 2. Co-operative Device: Insurance is a cooperative device under which a group of persons who agree to share the financial loss may be brought together voluntarily or through publicity or through solicitation of the agents.An insurer would be unable to compensate all the losses from his own capital. Therefore, by insuring a large number of persons, he is able to pay the amount of loss. Like all other cooperative devices there is no compulsion on anybody to purchase the insurance policy. 3. Saving: Insurance is a saving device, particularly the life insurance. The claim is certain in case of life insurance, while it is not certain in general insurance. Therefore, life insurance is considered as saving because; the insu red party gets the sum assured plus bonus at time of maturity.Therefore, life insurance is considered as a savings device. 4. Economic Security: Insurance provides economic security for such losses arising out of happening of insured event such as personal accident. Insurance is a protection against uncertainties of life. It provides monetary compensation for losses suffered due to happening of uncertain events, insured under the policy of insurance. Insurance is a shelter against financial losses arising out of occurrence of an anticipated accident. Thus, it provides economic security to the family of insured person or his property. 5.Economic Development: One of the most important factors contributing to the process of economic development is the capital formation. The relation ship between capital formation and insurance services in both the developed and developing economies of the world has been quite prominent and noteworthy. The savings from the household sector constitute th e major proportions of the total savings in the country. The household savings constitute physical and financial. The insurance is a financial savings. As the economy progresses and attains maturity, progressively larger proportion of savings is invested in the financial assets like insurance. . Capital formation: Capital formation is the increase in capital stock of a country consisting of plant, machinery, equipments, tools, factory buildings, raw materials etc. Capital has always been regarded as a means of increasing production, in the economy and thereby contributing to the future stream of income to the economy as a whole.The process of capital formation envisages real savings, channelising savings and the act of investment. Insurance service acts as a tool to mobilize savings and indulge in direct investment. Principles of Insurance ) Utmost Good Faith: It means a positive duty to disclose accurately and fully all the facts material to the risk being proposed, whether request ed or not. Every circumstance is material whish would influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in fixing the premium or determining to accept the risk. The breach of utmost good faith arises due to misrepresentation or non-disclosure. Insurance is a contract, and each party can examine the item or service, which is the subject matter of the contract. Therefore, the proposer (the one taking the policy) should disclose accurate information as asked by the insurance company, e. . facts relating to age, health, habits, and personal history. If any information is considered to be fraudulent, then the contract is null and void. Under Sec 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, the insurance company can cancel a policy up until 2 years, but not after after the policy is signed on the grounds of inaccurate or false statement. 2) Insurable Interest: Insurable interest is the legal right of the insurer, arising out of a financial relationship recognized under law between the insured and the subjec t matter of insurance.The interest in the subject matter of a contract of insurance provides the insured person with the right to enforce the contract. All risks are not insurable. In order to be insurable, the risk must be capable of financial measurement. Insurable interest is said to exist when the person insuring stands to lose, if the event insured against occurs. E. g. a person has insurable interest in his own life. Husband and wife have an insurable interest in each other. The main objective of insurable interest is to prevent people from wagering or gambling on the lives of the others. An insurance company cannot issue a policy without insurable interest.In case of non-life insurance, the existence of insurable interest is:- a) Ownership of a property or asset like a car, flat, etc. clearly establishes insurable interest in the property. b) An employer has an insurable interest in the employees working with him in good health. c) A bank has an insurable interest in the loya lty and integrity of its cashiers and managers. d) A businessman has an insurable interest in the stock of goods, vehicles, furniture and machinery. e) A vehicle owner has an insurable interest even in an unknown third party, who may be potentially injured in any accident involved with the vehicle. ) Indemnity: The basic purpose of insurance is to compensate loss and not to allow profit from insurance contract. The insurance company pays compensation to the insured party only in case of loss due to some perils. If there is no such loss, no compensation is to be paid. According to the principle of indemnity, the actual loss incurred by the insured party is to be compensated by the insurance company, as per the terms and conditions laid down in the policy. For this purpose, the insured has to make a claim to the insurance company within a specified period after the occurrence of certain event.The insured party should not make a profit from any insurance contract. The object of insuran ce is to restore the financial position of the insured. 4) Subrogation: Subrogation means the automatic transfer of rights and remedies of the insured to the insurer upon the insured having received the benefits of insurance. For example, a company has insured a car. If the car meets with an accident which damages the car beyond repair, and the company pays full value of insurance to the person for the car, the company has full right to take away the damaged car. The person has no rights left on the car.The principle of subrogation arises from the basic principle of indemnity. When the insurer indemnifies the insured to the extent to his loss and not more than that, the salvaged property goes towards reducing the loss of the insurer. 5) Contribution: The principle of contribution applies when the insured has taken more than one insurance policy for the same risk from more than one insurance company. In case of loss or damage is incurred and if the insured gets benefits from all the insurance companies, the insured will get more profit than his actual loss.The principle on indemnity will not be followed in such a case and it will be against the law of insurance. Therefore, insurance contracts include the principle of contribution expressly. The principle of contribution works in a manner where each insurer pays only that proportion of the risk, as is represented by proportion off the sum assured to the overall sums assured by the different insurers. Whenever, the principle of contribution applies, the insurers make the insured responsible to file the claims in the correct proportion with the insurers. E. g. , A person takes a policy for Rs. 0000, Rs. 100000, and Rs. 150000 for the same thing. He will claim the insurance in the ration of 1/6, 1/3, and ? respectively. 6)Nature of contract-It is the fundamental principle of insurance required for a valid contract. A contract of insurance comes into existence when therte is an offer or proposal ; acceptance of the same by other. It has to satisfy all essential elements of a simple contract. To insurance contract to be valid one must be competent enough ; with sound mind. Premium is yhe consideration that must be given for the commencement of insurance contract.The object of the contrct should be lawful. 7) Risk must attach-It is essential for a valid contract of insurance. A contract of insurance can be enforced only if the risk is being attached. Premium is the consideration of the risk by the insurance companies. If there is no risk in the subject matter there should be no premium. 8)Mitigation of loss-It is applied in valid insurance contract. In the event of some mishap to the insured property ,the insured must make necessary effort to safeguard his remaining property ; minimize the loss as much as possible. ) Terms of policy- An insurance policy is for a specific period or time often the nature of risk against which insurance is sought determines the period or the life of the policy. a c ontract of fire insurance is normally for a period of one year. The primary functions of insurance include the following: Provide Protection – The primary function of insurance is to provide protection against future risk, accidents and uncertainty. Insurance cannot check the happening of the risk, but can certainly provide for the losses of risk. Insurance is actually a protection against economic loss, by sharing the risk with others.Collective bearing of risk – Insurance is a device to share the financial loss of few among many others. Insurance is a mean by which few losses are shared among larger number of people. All the insured contribute the premiums towards a fund and out of which the persons exposed to a particular risk is paid. Assessment of risk – Insurance determines the probable volume of risk by evaluating various factors that give rise to risk. Risk is the basis for determining the premium rate also Provide Certainty – Insurance is a devic e, which helps to change from uncertainty to certainty.Insurance is device whereby the uncertain risks may be made more certain. The secondary functions of insurance include the following: Prevention of Losses – Insurance cautions individuals and businessmen to adopt suitable device to prevent unfortunate consequences of risk by observing safety instructions; installation of automatic sparkler or alarm systems, etc. Prevention of losses cause lesser payment to the assured by the insurer and this will encourage for more savings by way of premium. Reduced rate of premiums stimulate for more business and better protection to the insured.Small capital to cover larger risks – Insurance relieves the businessmen from security investments, by paying small amount of premium against larger risks and uncertainty. Contributes towards the development of larger industries – Insurance provides development opportunity to those larger industries having more risks in their settin g up. Even the financial institutions may be prepared to give credit to sick industrial units which have insured their assets including plant and machinery. The other functions of insurance include the following:Means of savings and investment – Insurance serves as savings and investment, insurance is a compulsory way of savings and it restricts the unnecessary expenses by the insured's For the purpose of availing income-tax exemptions also, people invest in insurance. Source of earning foreign exchange – Insurance is an international business. The country can earn foreign exchange by way of issue of marine insurance policies and various other ways. Risk Free trade – Insurance promotes exports insurance, which makes the foreign trade risk free with the help of different types of policies under marine insurance cover.IRDA The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) is a national agency of the Government of India, based in Hyderabad. IRDA is the admi nistrative agency of Government of India for insurance sector supervision and development. It was formed by an act of Indian Parliament known as IRDA Act 1999, which was amended in 2002 to incorporate some emerging requirements. Mission of IRDA as stated in the act is â€Å"to protect the interests of the policyholders, to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. As per the section 4 of IRDA Act' 1999, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA, which was constituted by an act of parliament) specify the composition of Authority. The Authority is a ten member team consisting of (a)  Ã‚  Ã‚   a Chairman; (b)  Ã‚  Ã‚   five whole-time members; (c)  Ã‚  Ã‚   four part-time members, They are all appointed by the government of India. [pic]The law of India has following expectations from IRDA:- 1) To protect the interest of and secure fair treatment to policyholders. ) To bring about sp eedy and orderly growth of the insurance industry (including annuity and superannuation payments), for the benefit of the common man, and to provide long term funds for accelerating growth of the economy. 3) To set, promote, monitor and enforce high standards of integrity, financial soundness, fair dealing and competence of those it regulates. 4) To ensure that insurance customers receive precise, clear and correct information about products and services and make them aware of their responsibilities and duties in this regard. ) To ensure speedy settlement of genuine claims, to prevent insurance frauds and other malpractices and put in place effective grievance redressal machinery. 6) To promote fairness, transparency and orderly conduct in financial markets dealing with insurance and build a reliable management information system to enforce high standards of financial soundness amongst market players. 7) To take action where such standards are inadequate or ineffectively enforced. 8 ) To bring about optimum amount of self-regulation in day to day working of the industry consistent with the requirements of prudential regulation.Slow Growth Of Insurance Business In India 1) Volatile market The people in India who invest their money in the volatile market of India see the upper layer of the insurance industry and say that one can think positive about this sector, but the index chart showing the recent growth figures are having different story to tell. 2) Security downfall in insurance sector Many in India consider the insurance sector as the secured one but the recent downfall in the premium income of private and public life insurance and eneral insurance companies clears this myth. The figures that came out in the light, regarding the premium income of insurance industry clearly show that Insurance in India is not recession proof. Downfall started from the life insurance sector of India where the major and most trusted companies have not recorded much impressive premium income. 3) Mixed results of growth and downfall of insurance business The insurance industry of India is not only witnessing this decline in life insurance sector but is also looking south with its general insurance biz.The recent data shows the slow negative growth of the general insurance industry in India with both public and private companies giving out mixed results. In the first quarter of the current fiscal where the public sector general insurance companies like United India, New India Assurance and Oriental Insurance have recorded the growth of 14%, 7% and 10% respectively, while PSU National Insurance has resulted in the negative growth of 2%. 4) Low penetration of general insuranceThe penetration of general insurance in India remains low on account of low consumer preference, largely untapped rural markets and constrained distribution channels, one of the biggest constraints facing the general insurance business is the lack of reach beyond the cities. With the pri vatization of the Indian insurance sector in 2000, competing among the insurance players has increased manifold ; each insurance player is coming up with innovative channels ; insurance products to meet the needs of different people. Thus, it is clear that the face of life insurance is changing.But with the changes come a host of challenges ; it is only the credible player with a long term vision ; a robust business strategy that will survive. According to the latest figures released by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), of the total 22 life insurance companies, only nine companies managed to mop up new business premium, most of them being smaller companies. Among major players, only Reliance Life and SBI Life managed to get more business and witnessed a growth of 6. 88 and 0. 89 per cent respectively.At present there are 22 life insurance companies in India, including the State-run Life Insurance Corporation Swiss Re, the largest reinsurance company, has sai d that insurance in the emerging markets is expected to grow at a slower pace in 2008 and 2009, but its longer term growth prospects remain positive. In India growth of new business in life insurance fell from 145. 7% in 2006 to 9. 6% in 2007. Annual growth is likely to drop from the 2002 to 2007 levels of 11. 4% in life and 10. 6% in non-life to 7-10% in life and 3-8% in non-life between 2008 and 2013, said the company its latest Sigma report.Growth in the life market slowed from 18% to 14% in 2007. Speaking of private general insurance companies, some big players like Reliance General Insurance and Tata AIG General Insurance have witnessed the negative growth. The other players in the same category like Bajaj Allianz General and ICICI Lombard Insurance have reported the southward growth of 13 and 21 percent respectively in the June quarter. Lack of good insurance advisors. Reasons for Slow Growth 1. Slackness in the economy and the markets has put the brakes on the high speed grow th of private life insurance companies. 2.Life insurance companies have slowed down recruitment due to tardy growth in the new business and focus on cost-cutting 3. Ineffective distribution networks 4. Delay in settlement of claims – lengthy procedures 5. Fraud cases : Fraudulent and dishonest claims are a major problem for the insurance industry. An example of life insurance fraud is the John Darwin disappearance case, an ongoing investigation into the faked death of British former teacher and prison officer John Darwin, who turned up alive in December 2007, five years after he was thought to have died in a canoeing accident.Darwin was reported as â€Å"missing† after failing to report to work following a canoeing trip on March 21, 2002. He reappeared on December 1, 2007, claiming to have no memory of the past five years. Reasons for Slow Growth (contd) 1) Poor marketing strategies: India is a developing nation and is new to all these marketing strategies if compared at international standards. Keeping in mind the poor literacy rate of the country, there should be such strategies prepared which not only target the urban areas but also tap and concentrate on the rural areas for basic and vital insurance policies. ) Low consumer awareness: Due to lack of awareness, yet, nearly 80% of Indian population is without life insurance cover while health insurance and non-life insurance continues to be below international standards. And this part of the population is also subject to weak social security and pension systems with hardly any old age income security. This, itself is an indicator that growth potential for insurance sector is immense, however, it is slow, one reason being lack of awareness.In order to spread awareness, the insurance companies should have differences in approach for rural and urban areas as per the lifestyle, literacy of people. For eg : crops insurance, house insurance for people in rural areas and farmers with low sources of in come should be made aware of in a less complex manner. 3) Lack of competition: public and private insurance companies more or less offer policies with similar terms and conditions. Hence, differentiation lacks which leads to less competition in the insurance sector. ) Government monopoly: there are private and public insurance companies in the insurance sector. However, the government provides financial aid and encouragement only to its own public institutions. Evidently, the government will only support and favor its own agencies. There is concentration of power and due to this there can’t be an overall and fair development in the insurance sector.5) Inefficiency in management: there is a lot of scope and potential for growth in the insurance sector if men, material and money are managed in the best manner. All sections of society should be tackled in an organized anner with suitable strategies so that the objectives of insurance are materialized. 6) Liquidity crunch: due to reasons such as recession, liquidity has dried-up in the economy and hence people are hesitant concerning long-term investments such as insurance. Only when the liquidity situation eases, will the people become comfortable with locking in money for insurance as it is a long-term commitment and requires payment at regular intervals on a quarterly or yearly basis. 7) Financial malpractices: due to inefficiency and lack of verification there are financial malpractices.For eg: car insurance, the insurer may claim more than the actual damage of his car and give other causes for the accident when it is probably his fault. Such practices are illegal. FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INSURANCE IN INDIA With a huge population base and large untapped market, insurance Industry is a big opportunity area in India for national as well as Foreign investors. India is the fifth largest life insurance market in the emerging insurance economies globally and is growing at 32-34% Annually. Life insurance market ha s propelled the Indian lifeInsurance agents into the ‘top 10 country list' in terms of Membership to the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) — an Exclusive club for the highest performing life insurance Agents. Total life insurance premium in India is projected to grow Rs 1,230,000 Crores by 2010-11. — Total non-life insurance premium is expected to increase at a CAGR of 25% for the period spanning from 2008-09 to 2010-11. A major study on the Indian insurance sector by consultancy firm McKinsey & Co says less than a third of the life insurance agents meet minimum raining and sales standards set by their companies. It said the life insurance market could easily double to $100 billion in five years Entitled India Insurance 2012: Fortune Favours the Bold, it estimates that higher per capita income will be the key driver of higher demand for insurance products. By 2012, Indian household will be paying premium of up to Rs 4,100 from the current Rs 1,300 India’s ratio of life insurance premium to its GDP is around 4% against 6-9% in the developed world. But, the report claims it could rise to 6. % by 2012, in tandem with the country's demographic profile By 2012, almost 40% of the urban population is likely to have some form of life insurance cover, while in rural areas too it could touch 35%. Current levels are 30% and 25%, respectively FUTURE PROSPECTS OF INSURANCE IN INDIA (CONTD.. ) Insurance 10 years back in India basically was popular only for Life and to some extent for cover against Fire with only players like LIC,GIC etc. and this was one of the contributing factors for the growth of insurance being slow in India.This scenario changed with the entry of private players in the market. With competition came more innovation which ultimately is benefiting this industry in general. Latest 2 examples of innovations are agricultural/crop insurance and wedding Insurance. Bajaj Allianz Insurance has plans for protection against any losses in wedding preparations. The prospect that Insurance industry in India has a bright future can also be believed as not only big corporate houses like Reliance, Tatas and Birlas have stepped in this sector but also big banks like ICICI, SBI, HDFC are a part of it.This is a very positive indication for this sector with also more foreign players trying to come to India. India has an ever increasing population which just increases more and more market for the insurance industry. With more terror attacks and man made calamities and increasing natural calamities like rain deluge, draught, earthquakes etc. there is an increasing feeling of insecurity which is exactly what this industry thrives on. Hence, Insurance has very bright prospects in India. [pic]

Thursday, November 7, 2019

six degrees of seperation essays

six degrees of seperation essays The Theatre department at Stony Brook University recently reenacted John Guare's play Six Degrees of Separation. These talented young actors and actresses did a truly fabulous job of presenting each of the individual characters and their personalities. Although there were a few minor mistakes along the way the play turned out to be quite funny, which was entirely unexpected and appreciated by the audience. Given the lack of budget that a state Universities theatre department has the lighting and prop design done for this play was wonderful. The furniture in the upscale apartment of Ouisa and Flan was both contemporary and elegant. So to the costume design was eloquent, simple, and highly representative of the time period. There were over 100 lighting cues in this production, which created a wonderfully enhanced mood. For example when Ouisa and Flan find out that Paul is gay and later when he is taken to jail before their arrival the lights dim to show their emotion. Again when Paul is sitting in Central Park with his two new friends Rick and Elizabeth the foliage cue is displayed on a white cloth-like wall behind them to represent the outdoors, these instances are just a few of which, that contributed to a well designed production. Certain mistakes are made by the actors during the course of the play that are minor but meaningful, such as Paul's and Ousia's inability to speak clearly, which is what these upper-class characters are noted for. The business on the stage needs to be carried out in an upper-class manor, and when Paul adds ice to his wineglass with the chilled wine already in it, this represents ignorance. Within the play the actors/actresses address the audience directly to give them information about upcoming events or to explain past scenes. This personalizes the play a great deal and makes the atmosphere in the theatre very warm and friendly. With a play like Six Degrees this per ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Roles of a Project Manager Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Roles of a Project Manager - Research Paper Example Most of the literature acknowledges the role of the project as a communicator. The project manager tells project members what the goals of the project are as well as the outcomes of the project. The project managers are also leaders of their team members. They define the responsibilities and roles of each person, builds trust and redefines the purpose of the project when need arises. Managing is also an indispensable part of carrying out project work. These persons negotiate, handle multiple projects, reward employees and even use technical components (cost management or material procurement) to preside over work. Once these roles are well defined and executed, a project manager may be deemed successful. Project managers are some of the most time-bound and pressure-driven professionals in the economy. They need to work with team members who come from different parts of the organization and could even be geographically distant. They have to work with limited budgets and for only a certain period of time. Therefore, proper handling of their roles is essential in bringing out the best in their activities. Project managers’ roles are a tough balancing act between the internal and external environment of the organization, as will be discussed in this paper. It is clear that most of the literature acknowledges the role of the project as a communicator. The project manager tells project members what the goals of the project are as well as its outcomes. Communication is critical at the beginning, in the middle and towards the end of a project. In this regard, an effective communicator is one who clarifies his expectations about the project to the participants. Sometimes, a project may not deliver the perceived outcomes because expectations were not clearly defined. One must take the time to involve as many people as possible (Anantatmula 16). Communication is particularly difficult when a project

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marketing of Food Processors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing of Food Processors - Essay Example Apart from this, the organization also needs to obey with the systems of value Added Tax (VAT) accurately in order to maintain the operations and functions of the organization appropriately in long run. Economic- due to economic downturn, the per capita income and unemployment rate declined, thereby declining the buying behaviour of the individual. As a result, inflation acted as one of the important factors that influenced the productivity and profitability of theof KENWOOD to a significant extent. Along with this, it also hampered the gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product (GNP) of the nation of UK thereby hindering the economic scenario to a significant extent. Social- KENWOOD always desired to offer high concentration over corporate governance factor so as to improve the conditions of the society. Along with this, it also tried to present extremely trendy and fashionable items so as to satisfy their changing requirements in this age of inflation. Only then, the r eputation and brand image of the organization might be maintained in an effective way as compared to others. Technological- as technology is enhancing in every now and then, so the KENWOOD always tried to offer varied types of inventive and innovative products. This is done to satisfy the target customers thereby amplifying the profitability and total sales of the organization to a certain extent among other rival players. Therefore, from the above mentioned points, it might be depicted that the organization of KENWOOD needs to offer varied types of fashionable products at a competitive price so as to retain its portfolio in the market of UK. MICRO Environment of KENWOOD The micro environment of the organization of KENWOOD for its business of FP731 MultiPro food processor might be evaluated with the help of SWOT analysis. It is also another extremely renowned method. Strengths- High brand image- due to the presence of wide range of trendy and fashionable products, the brand image an d reputation of KENWOOD enhanced to a significant extent. Along with this, the range of total customers also enhanced thereby amplifying the profit margin and productivity of the organization. Large market share- as KENWOOD always tried to offer value-added products at a competitive price. So, it acted as a positive cause for the organization that amplified the position and popularity in the market among others. Varied types of innovative functions- the demand of KENWOOD is enhancing at a rapid pace mainly due to its varied types of trendy functions and operations. This also acted positively on the organizational portfolio thereby amplifying the total sales and revenues in the market among other rival players. Weakness- Lack of customer services- due to lack of customer’s services, KENWOOD is reducing its brand image and reputation in the market. And the profit margin of the organization is also declining at a significant extent among others rival players. Opportunities- Expa nsion in new markets- the chances to expand into various new markets is enhancing at a